MySQL install went okay but I did have a few challenges.
- Know DOS but my unix/linix command skills are very rusty. So I relied on tranlation sites to get me through. Just google unix vrs dos commands. Ex.
- Finding terminal. It's under applications and then utilities! Or just type terminal in Finder.
- Be sure to run a 3 files in the 5.0 download.
- mysql-5.0.41-osx10.4-i686.pkg //main install easy and quick
- MySQLStartItem.pkg //since we windows boys are mac dumb this like placing in you startup
- MySQL.prefPane //puts a monitor and start and stop tool in control panel
- Look in your Application folder to find the MySQL Query Browser
- I had trouble connecting with CF. It was because I needed another user added in the database
- open Terminal
- Type: sudo /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql
- type in root password
- you should get a sql prompt mine: mysql>
- Connect to the main database by typing: use mysql
- User are found a table named user. Do: show tables; desc user;
- Add a new user with: create user test@localhost //if name is long you will need to use ticks. Ex 'joehammond'@'localhost'
- Set Password
SET PASSWORD FOR 'test'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('
');- FYI: the password are encypty to 32 bit. So use the password function shown above
- Create a test database:
- Apply Grants to test database to test user.
- Eclipse need the driver go here
- Unpack. I placed the unzip folder in my liabrary
- Then in SQL Explorer under Eclipse Preferences setup the extra class path for MySQL driver.