Friday, June 15, 2007


Boy, switching to a MAC after years and years of PC's is tough, but I am enjoying it. I though I would provide a few hints where I had trouble and to me a little while figure out.

MySQL install went okay but I did have a few challenges.

  1. Know DOS but my unix/linix command skills are very rusty. So I relied on tranlation sites to get me through. Just google unix vrs dos commands. Ex.
  2. Finding terminal. It's under applications and then utilities! Or just type terminal in Finder.
  3. Be sure to run a 3 files in the 5.0 download.
    1. mysql-5.0.41-osx10.4-i686.pkg //main install easy and quick
    2. MySQLStartItem.pkg //since we windows boys are mac dumb this like placing in you startup
    3. MySQL.prefPane //puts a monitor and start and stop tool in control panel
  4. Look in your Application folder to find the MySQL Query Browser
  5. I had trouble connecting with CF. It was because I needed another user added in the database
    1. open Terminal
    2. Type: sudo /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql
    3. type in root password
    4. you should get a sql prompt mine: mysql>
    5. Connect to the main database by typing: use mysql
    6. User are found a table named user. Do: show tables; desc user;
    7. Add a new user with: create user test@localhost //if name is long you will need to use ticks. Ex 'joehammond'@'localhost'
    8. Set Password
      1. SET PASSWORD FOR 'test'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('newpass');
      2. FYI: the password are encypty to 32 bit. So use the password function shown above
    9. Create a test database:
    10. Apply Grants to test database to test user.
  6. Eclipse need the driver go here
  7. Unpack. I placed the unzip folder in my liabrary
  8. Then in SQL Explorer under Eclipse Preferences setup the extra class path for MySQL driver.
Well, I know I left some gaps but I am tired of typing and want to play some more. I will try to add more later. If you have questions or get stuck just email me.

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